Words are the most powerful thing we have.
Some build weapons of mass destruction and think they are strong.
Some build wealth beyond their needs and think they are mighty.
Some build status and think they are more worthy.
Any fool can carry a gun.
Any fool can drop a bomb
Any fool can steal and inherit and lie and cheat
Any fool can be born in the part of town that says status.
But Words are your true strength.
"I have a dream that one day" They killed Martin for his words.
"If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything" They killed Malcolm for his words.
"Freedom has never been free" They killed Medgar for his words.
"Let the little children come to Me," They killed Him for His words.
Your words are powerful
Your words bring hope when things look bleak
Your words bring joy when things look sad
Your words bring peace when things are out of control
Your words bring love when hate is aroused.
Let your words be heard.
Words of Hope, joy, peace and love.
Words of truth to power, truth to lies, truth to confusion
If we let lies be the last word, where will we be?
If we let hate be the last word, where will we be?
If we let guns be the last word, where will we be?
If we let money be the last word, where would we be?
You be the last word.